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Engaging your staff in net zero

Engaging your staff in Net Zero

Last week we hosted a webinar exploring how organisations can start engaging their staff in Net Zero. We covered why Net Zero is important, and why now is the time to act, as well as the benefits of signing up to the Net Zero Challenge. Our digital engagement tool makes getting your people on board with your Net Zero journey easy. Start a conversation with us today on how we can help you achieve your goals.

Net Zero is making the headlines

In the last 18 months the world has undergone significant changes. But, as we emerge from the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, attention is increasingly turning to an issue that will define our planet in the months and years to come: climate change. In particular, governments and businesses around the world have been framing their response to the climate crisis in terms of ‘net zero’.

The UK have joined a range of countries in setting a Net Zero target – with some more ambitious than others. Big businesses have supported this by setting their own targets: 2030 for the BBC, 2040 for the NHS and 2045 for BT, to name just a few.

Net Zero around the world

However, it’s not just national governments and corporations that will help us reach Net Zero. With 99% of the 6 million enterprises in the UK categorised as SMEs, we all have a part to play.

How organisations can work towards Net Zero

If you’re thinking of how you can lead your organisation to Net Zero you’ll be thinking about your carbon emissions. These fall firstly into Scope 1 emissions, including facilities, infrastructure and directly controlled emissions. Secondly, Scope 2 emissions covering purchased electricity, heat and steam). Finally, Scope 3 emissions incorporating supply chain emissions, business travel, waste disposal, investments and more.

Whilst Scope 1 and Scope 2 are perhaps more easily influenced and controlled with decisions like energy purchasing and investment in equipment, influencing Scope 3 emissions can be more intangible – and that’s where the Net Zero Challenge comes in.

How you can engage your staff in Net Zero

The Net Zero challenge influences those behaviours that lead to Scope 3 emissions – making staff more aware of the impact that their actions have and engaging them in your Net Zero journey.

Here’s how it works:

Our web platform and app are available anywhere, anytime. This means you can reach your people wherever they’re working and make Net Zero action a part of the everyday.

We’ve designed over 30 unique activities focusing on behaviours that help you achieve your Net Zero goals. Individuals choose which actions they’d like to take and we challenge them to keep taking more. New actions are added each month to keep engagement and excitement high!

Competition between individuals, teams and organisations is a key motivator. Your people will be able to track their performance compared to their peers, as well as your organisation’s performance in sector-based leader boards. We reward top performing individuals with vouchers and top organisations with charity donations; ensuring there are motivators for everyone.

We communicate all of the great actions that people are taking in monthly newsletters. This builds a valuable feedback loop where people can see the impact they’re having, motivating them to do more. We also keep everyone up to date with key national and international events like World Environment Day and COP26, creating a community that care about the world around them.

What next?

The Net Zero Challenge is built on lots of small steps adding up to make a big difference. We give your people the tools they need to make those sustainable choices and a reason to do so. With the climate crisis at tipping point, there’s never been a better time to make a Net Zero commitment.

Keen to start engaging your people in your Net Zero journey? Our simple pricing makes joining the Net Zero Challenge easy, so get in touch today and let’s get started.